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This game is actually really cool!! I saw in one of your replies to another comment that you made this in Scratch and that's really impressive!! (I personally could never do this😅😅) Keep up the good work!!

Thank you so much! I haven't made anything horror recently, maybe i should try to find motivation for it.

You're welcome! You should make something when you get the motivation (not forcing ofc), I'd love to see it!!


cool game, i love it!  me and my cousins played it and one of my cousins got scared lol! we totally enjoyed the game! Ty for making it, because my cousins love it too!

Thanks a bunch for playing it!


no prob! it was fun :D keep up the good work💜💜

Actually working on a much bigger game right now. Should be released within a month or two. Stay tuned :)

There's a pretty old trailer to give an idea of the game.


Normally I don't share my videos on but uh, here we are. I had a fun time. 


I got all the endings.

(1 edit) (+1)


Great game, thank you!

Edit: I figured it out we good :)


So how do you get it?



When you enter the basement, in the room where the alternate peeks behind the door, you will find a box with a gun on it. Click the box, and continue as usual, until you get the ending.


I see. Thanks.


TY! I couldn't figure it out!


so, i think you get it on "Development log" and u should see this

Development log

  • Then you choose one you would like to get!
(2 edits) (+1)

I have a question, was this game made on scratch. It feels and looks like a scratch game. (Which isn't a bad thing, it's a good game) I'm only asking, because I am making a horror game, and I am trying to figure out how to make movement like in this game, the movement is very good.

Yeah, actually it was made in Scratch lol. All of my 2D games are on Scratch, and my 3D games are made in Unity.


How did you get the movement to be so clean? Cause I could make the walk animation clean, but when you wanted to string multiple of the same directions together, it felt stiff as hell.

Sorry I missed this reply, here's a picture of the code for the movement. I hope this helps, I'm not very good at explaining things so I figured pictures speak louder than words!


yeah, I'm not smart enough to figure that out, but thanks anyways. Also I have found a not very good, but serviceable solution to my problem, and now I have a rough draft of the first cut scene done, I have a wardrobe that let's you change clothes, and I door you can open to progress to another room.

Ummmm... yeah, the scope of my game is hopefully in the confines of what I'm capable of as a developer. It's going well so far though, only a few minor hiccups here and there.

I'm excited to see what you create!


pretty neat game! heres my gameplay. hope you guys like it. Its my first time doing commentary so don't hesitate to tell me how I did. Love feedback

(1 edit)

I like the commentary! The gun box is kinda buggy, I am already working on a fix for it lol! EDIT: Fixed!


Wonderful. Glad you liked it. Very interesting game for sure. Nice job


This is cool! 
I loved the way you animated the alternate, how its body warped and stretched!! I think that was really cool!!

Thanks so much!


ive gotten the first and the last ending/ how do i get the secound ending?

Look around in the basement area, you will find a helpful item :)


Find a gun Scrimuler, find a gun to live.


Hello The Alternate Invader speedrunners, here goes a pro speedrun skip: if you press to interact while you move left and right fast in the 2nd floor stairs, for some reason you are teleport direct to the basement.


how the hell do you get the last ending.


leave the house on the door down stairs

That's one of them, for the other, here's a hint: Look around at your surroundings a little more in the basement :)


thank you so much!


I couldn't get the good ending.

For the first ending, proceed down the basement, escape the alternate, then escape through the basement exit.
For the second ending, leave through the open door on the first floor.
For the third ending, in the room where the alternate peeks his head behind the door, look in the bottom left. There is a box with a gun on it. Click it to get the gun, and proceed as normal to the end of the game.




I got 2/3 endings and fun to explore. Good vhs horror game!




i love this great work :):):)

Thanks so much!


This game is very good it has a good atmosphere and the jumpscare when you see your self then it goes huge i would recommend this game.  

Thanks for the comment! I really appreciate it!


keep up the good work hope to see more in the future

Thanks! I plan on updating this game at least a little more, maybe adding another ending


Nah I'd jump out a window or run out the front door. I've seen horror movies that how you die. *^*

Hahaha, yeah me too, but that wouldn't make for a great game would it? xD


True but imagine the protagonist just pulls out a weapon, says nah, and dips. 

Now I want to add a secret ending where that happens.... shhhhhh... don't tell anyone...


Oop- I mean what? idk what you're talking about

Guess what. Two new endings, each based on what you said xD


It was certainly not the worst game I have played. And I can see how it was loosely related to the Mandel

a Catalogue/analog horror. I do recommend leaving the text up on the screen longer so players have a chance to read it all. At the end of the day it is a functional, complete game so there ya go.

Alright, thanks for the comment! I will definitely update the text and maybe fix a few other things along the way.


I love how chill the guy is, like he sees a dead guy and is just like "Oh darn, that'll stain."


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